Villasor (SU)


Villasòr is a large agricultural village in the province of Southern Sardinia.
Presences dating back to the Nuraghic civilization are attested in the territory (remains of nuraghi and complex called Su Sonadori).
The presence of cereal crops is testified from the Punic period.
Agricultural exploitation continued in Roman times, and in the territory there is the presence of a necropolis, the remains of a bridge in the locality of Ponti Perda and a small settlement near the thermal spring of s’Acqua Cotta.
Villasor became a distinct center in the Byzantine era. Around the year 1000 there is the now disappeared church of Santa Maria di Gippi of which marble fragments with inscriptions in Greek are preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.
In the main square stands the church of S. Biagio, which preserves, together with the bell tower, the portal and the first two side chapels of the original late Gothic forms (15th-16th centuries).
A short distance away, along via Castello, you can see a modest fortified building, erected in the years following 1415 with a dual function, defensive and residential; still retains the typical battlements and the sober decoration of the windows and, inside, the original wooden scaffolding