Wine: Carciò – Amaro di Carciofi | Liquore di Carciofo

Cellar: San Martino – Fabbrica Liquori Artigianali

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Carciò - Amaro di Carciofi | Liquore di Carciofo

Sardinian Cardoon and Artichoke Bitter: A unique liqueur crafted from the fusion of two natural fruits found in Sardinia. Its strong and austere aroma, much like its flavor, embodies a sense of strength, resilience, and a desire to embrace life in a wild and untamed land like our Sardinian soil.

The production process is simple yet natural. In February, farmers carefully select cardoons and artichokes before delivering them to the distillery. Here, the fruits are stripped of their leaves, which are then placed in steel containers and completely covered with alcohol.

  • After three weeks, an intense green-hued infusion is extracted, exuding a sharp and penetrating fragrance.
  • This infusion is then combined with water, sugar, and alcohol to create a bitter liqueur with a taste as rugged as our land – perfect for post-meal enjoyment.
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