

Albagiara (Ollasta in Sardinia) is a municipality in the province of Oristano in Sardinia. Albagiara was formerly named Ollastra Usellus and was then aggregated to Usellus. He regained his autonomy in 1959 under the name of Ollasta, then changed to Albagiara in 1964. There are five nuraghi in the territory of Albagiara.

Ales (OR)


Ales (Abas in Sardinian) is a town in the province of Oristano in Sardinia, in the historic region of Marmilla, on the border between Campidano di Cagliari and Oristanese. A splendid village with a civil and religious history that still leaves traces, is one of Italy’s smallest bishoprics. Antonio Gramsci was born in Ales, he …

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Aidomaggiore (OR)


Aidomaggiore (Aidumajore or Bidumajore in Sardinia) is a municipality in the province of Oristano in Sardinia. The communal territory is predominantly agro-pastoral with fertile vegetation, consisting of pasture, cork oak, olive trees, vineyards and fruit trees. Aidomaggiore’s ancient name was “Aidu” (varco, entrance) as stated in the peace treaty between Eleonora D’Arborea and John I …

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Aglientu (SS)


Aglientu: A Gem of Gallura Aglientu (Santu Francìscu di l’Aglièntu in Gallurese) is a charming Italian municipality located in the province of Sassari, in the historic subregion of Gallura. With a population of approximately 1,187 inhabitants, Aglientu offers a unique combination of natural beauty, history, and traditions that captivate visitors. Territory and Landscape The village …

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