Badesi (SS)


To summarize the business philosophy of the Agricola Soi winery , they love to repeat 2 words: belonging and respect Belonging to that microcosm of which Nuragus is the heart: a small center, dedicated to agriculture and pastoralism, in the heart of Sarcidano, characterized by those crops – olive trees, vines, pastures and fodder – …

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Ardara (SS)


Tenute Gebelias farm boasts an important history born, in the early years of the last century, from love, passion and work in the fields A job that is therefore the result of the experience of several generations, of important teachings and of attachment to the land, and which continues today The Gebelias company boasts today …

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Anela (SS)


The Fiori family has been dedicated to wine production for over 3 generations and has always managed this activity in Usini, the renowned wine center of LogudoroIn the countryside of Sas Luzzanas, Serra Juales and Serra Aspridda, by combining tradition, passion, creativity and dynamism, Francesco Fiori directly follows the cultivation of about six hectares of …

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Alghero (SS)


Alghero, “L’Alguer” in Catalan or s’Alighera in Sardinian is a city in the province of Sassari, in Sardinia. It is also known as the Sardinian Barceloneta, the city has in fact preserved the use of Catalan, and 22.4% of its inhabitants speak it in the Algherese variant, recognized by the Italian Republic and by the …

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