Aidomaggiore (OR)


Aidomaggiore (Aidumajore or Bidumajore in Sardinia) is a municipality in the province of Oristano in Sardinia.
The communal territory is predominantly agro-pastoral with fertile vegetation, consisting of pasture, cork oak, olive trees, vineyards and fruit trees.
Aidomaggiore’s ancient name was “Aidu” (varco, entrance) as stated in the peace treaty between Eleonora D’Arborea and John I d’Aragon in 1388 (villa de Aidu). 
During the Spanish domination, Aidu’s name was transformed into “Aido mayor,” which was then Italianized into Aidomaggiore.
The area has been inhabited since Neolithic times, with the graves of the giant domus de janas and well-preserved nuraghi on the edge of the village.
The variant of the sardo spoken to Aidomaggiore is attributable to Limba de mesania.