Guspini (SU)


Gusipini in the heart of the Campidano mining region, has a beautiful 15th century church, San Nicola di Mira, which is its fulcrum.
The late Gothic church building, the fulcrum of the village, made more scenic by a deep staircase, was erected in the 12th century XV.
The village is interesting because nearby is the Montevecchio mine, one of the largest in Europe in the 1950s.
Despite the progressive abandonment, the mining village is worth visiting to see the architecture of the houses, the management building, the church, the houses of the managers, the school, the hospital.
In summer, guided tours of the mine, the management building and the exhibition on the life of miners are organized.
 Near Montevecchio stands the massif of Monte Arcuentu with the remains of an ancient castle.