Ortacesus (SU)


Ortacesus is a town in the province of Southern Sardinia, in the Trexenta subregion
The area was inhabited in the Nuragic and Roman times as a testimony for example the nuraghe of S’Omu de S’Orcu
During the Middle Ages, he belonged to the Judiciary of Cagliari and was part of the curator of the Trexenta
At the fall of the giudicato (1258) the territory passed briefly to the giudicato of Arborea
In 1324 the town passed to the Aragonese together with all the centers of the former curatoria of Trexenta and Gippi;
In 1703 the fiefdom was donated by Artale de Alagón to his daughter Isabella married to Giuseppe da Silva
Ai Da Silva – Alagon was redeemed in 1839 with the abolition of the feudal system
From 1928 to 1946 it was joined, together with Guamaggiore, to the municipality of Selegas