Ozieri (SS)


Discover the enchanting town of Ozieri, nestled in the northeast of Sardinia, set in a picturesque natural basin.

Immerse yourself in the captivating traditions and architecture of Ozieri, where its ancient history unveils the Neolithic culture that originated here.

The town unfolds gracefully along the hills, adorned with tall and charming flower-filled houses.

Step into the old part of Ozieri, where the squares Carlo Alberto and Fonte Grixoni stand out, along with the astonishing cathedral housing a 16th-century polyptych crafted by the renowned “master of Ozieri”.

This polyptych depicts the miraculous appearance at the Sanctuary of Madonna di Loreto, infused with Spanish influences and Flemish touches.

  • The 17th-century convent of San Francesco is home to the Archaeological Museum of Ozieri
  • The museum displays artifacts from excavations in the area
  • A significant portion of these artifacts dates back to the Neolithic cultures of Ozieri or San Michele