San Sperate (SU)

San Sperate

San Sperate m 41, downhill. 6922, recently known as a town-museum, due to the presence along the streets of “murals” painted by various contemporary authors and sculptures by the local artist Pinuccio Sciola.
The artistic path that leads you runs flanked by intensive cultivation of citrus and peaches, vegetable gardens, greenhouses for vegetables and flowers and enters the town along the course of the Rio Concias for a while.
At the center of the city is the church of S. Sperate which dates back to the 16th century
Catalan with a single hall with two chapels on each side, ended by a large presbytery with a barrel vault, consists of four spans on pointed arches.
The history of the center of San Sperate is very ancient. The town, as evidenced by the numerous remains found, has always been inhabited and cultivated: recent excavations show that the first human settlements date back to the eighteenth century BC.