Wine: Zìvula | Vino da uve stramature
Cellar: Cantina Sociale Gallura
Zivula Wine: A Delightful Blend of Moscato and Vermentino Grapes
- Discover Zivula, a unique wine crafted from overripe Moscato, Vermentino, and traditional white grapes.
- Enjoy the golden yellow hue of this wine, boasting a rich aroma with hints of ripe fruits like apricot, honey, and citrus.
- On the palate, Zivula offers a delicately sweet and fresh taste, complemented by soft notes of the Mediterranean scrubland.
- This versatile wine pairs perfectly with desserts, dried fruits, and fresh cheeses. Serve chilled at 12-14°C for optimal enjoyment.
- Store your bottle horizontally in a cool place with 75% humidity and no direct light to preserve its exquisite flavors.